Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Thursday 5th March, 2015 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
39  Evacuation Procedure
  Evacuation Procedure 
42  Consideration of the minutes of the meetings held on 25th November 2014 and February 3rd 2015.
  Minutes - 25th November 2014 
  Minutes - 3rd February 2015 
43  Scrutiny Work Programme - Selection of In Depth Scrutiny Reviews
  Report and Appendix 1 and 2 
  Appendix 3 
  Appendic 4 
44  Scrutiny Review of Road and Footpath - Investment Opportunities
  Final Report Executive Summary 
45  Scrutiny Review of the Future of Countryside - Sites
  Final Report Executive Summary 
46  Scrutiny Review of Licensing and Public - Health
  Final Report Executive Summary 
47  Scrutiny Review of Neighbourhood Policing - - Final Report (Executive Summary)
  Report of Housing and Community Safety Select Committee 
48  Review of the Effects of the Arts, Leisure and Culture on Wellbeing
49  Scrutiny Review of Home Care - Final Report (Executive Summary)
  Home Care Report - Executive Summary 
50  Review of School Organisation and Admission Arrangements
  Scrutiny Review of School Organisation and Admission Arrangements (Phase 1) 
  Communications - Consultation Plan � Review of School Organisation and Admission Arrangements � Appendix 1 
  Comments from public meeting at Barley Fields on 26 January 2015 � Appendix 2 
  Comments from consultation - CYP Appendix 3 
  School Admissions arrangements for September 2016 - Consultation 9th-12th February - Appendix 4 
  Map 1 Existing Primary Admission Zones in Ingleby Barwick 
  Map 2 Proposed Primary Admission Zone Changes in Ingleby Barwick 
  Map 3 Current Admission zone for Egglescliffe School 
  Map 4 Proposed admission zone arrangements change for Egglescliffe School 
51  Scrutiny Review of Transition from Primary to Secondary
  Scrutiny Review of Transition from Primary to Secondary 
52  Task and Finish Review of Child Sexual Exploitation
  Task and Finish Review of Child Sexual Exploitation 
53  Statutory Forward Plan
  Draft Statutory Forward Plan 
54  Report on Chairs Updates
  Adult Services and Health - Councillor Faulks 
  Arts, Leisure and Culture - Councillor O Donnell 
  Children and Young People - Councillor Clark 
  Corporate and Social Inclusion - Councillor Stoker 
  Housing and Community Safety - Councillor Cherrett 
  Regeneration and Transport - Councillor Perry 
  Environment - Councillor Cooke