Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Health Select Committee
Tuesday 25th July, 2017 4.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
29  Evacuation Procedure
31  Minutes of 11th April 2017
  Minutes 11th April 2017 
32  Quarterly Inspections Update
  Report - CQC Inspection Summary 
33  Stockton Health Centre - Registered Patient GP Service
  Report - Tithebarn 
  Appendix 1 - Council Response to Consultation 
34  Scrutiny Review of Defibrillators
  Report - Defibrillators 
  Appendix 1 - Notes of 20 June Evidence Session 
  Appendix 2 - NEAS CPAD Document 
  Appendix 3 - NHS England Letter 
  Appendix 4 - NEAS Press Release 
35  Regional Health Scrutiny Update
  Report - Regional Health Scrutiny 
  Appendix 1 - 2 March 2017 
  Appendix 2 - NE Transformation Project 
36  Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board
  25 January 2017 
  22 February 2017 
  29 March 2017 
  26 April 2017 
37  Work Programme
  Work Programme 2017-18