Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Health Select Committee
Tuesday 20th December, 2022 4.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
34  Evacuation Procedure
36  Minutes of the meeting held on 22 November 2022
37  Scrutiny Review of Care at Home
  (Draft) Final Report - Care at Home 
38  Care Quality Commission (CQC) - State of Care Annual Report 2021-2022
  Covering Report 
  Appendix 1 - CQC State of Care 2021-22 - Presentation (Dec 22) 
39  Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board
  Health & Wellbeing Board - Minutes (27th Jul 22) 
  Health & Wellbeing Board - Minutes (21st Sep 22) 
  Health & Wellbeing Board - Minutes (19th Oct 22) 
40  Chair's Update and Select Committee Work Programme 2022-2023
  Work Programme