Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Health Select Committee
Tuesday 20th April, 2021 4.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
69  Minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2021
70  Monitoring the Impact of Previously Agreed Recommendations
  Covering Report 
  Appendix 1 - Progress Update - Hospital Discharge (Phase 1) 
71  Scrutiny Review of Hospital Discharge (Phase 2)
  Covering Report 
  NTHFT - Presentation 
  Scope and Project Plan - Hospital Discharge (Updated) 
72  Overview Report 2021
  Overview Report 2021 - Adults & Health (Public Health & Environmental Health) 
73  Regional Health Scrutiny Update
  Appendix 1 - TVJHSC - Minutes (29th Jan 21) 
  Appendix 2 - TEWV - Community Mental Health Framework Presentation (Mar 21) 
  Appendix 3 - TEWV - Quality Account 2020-2021 Presentation (Mar 21) 
74  Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board
  Health & Wellbeing Board - Minutes (27th Jan 21) 
  Health & Wellbeing Board - Minutes (24th Feb 21) 
75  Scrutiny Review of Multi-Agency Support to Care Homes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Task & Finish)
  (Draft) Scope & Project Plan - Multi-Agency Support to Care Homes during COVID-19 (T&F) 
76  Work Programme 2021-2022
  Work Programme