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Decision Maker: Director of Community Services, Environment and Culture
Decision published: 12/02/2025
Effective from: 24/01/2025
Subject to the statutory consultation process
approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order
associated with the Thornaby Town Deal Cycleways scheme. A TRO is
required to reduce the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph on a section
of A1045 Thornaby Road and amend the Limited Waiting restrictions
on Trenchard Avenue. The scheme also includes the provision of
seven new Parallel crossings, one Humped Parallel crossing and one
Humped Toucan crossing to link the proposed new cycleway. New
Toucan crossing facilities will be provided at the existing
signalised junctions on Mitchell Avenue/ Baysdale Road. At their
junction with Trenchard Avenue, raised tabletops are proposed on
Fawcett Road, Frobisher Road, Acorn Close and Sherwood Road at its
northern and southern junctions. A raised table top is also
proposed on Fullerton Way at its junction with Milbank Lane.
Lead officer: Zoe John