This register of interests was published on Sunday 24th September, 2023, 9.27 pm.
Notification by a Councillor or Co-opted Member of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council of his/her disclosable pecuniary interests and the disclosable pecuniary interests of the Councillor's or Member's spouse or civil partner, a person with whom the Councillor or Member is living as husband and wife, or a person with whom they are living as if they were civil partners.
Please read the attached notes when completing this form.
Councillor/Member's Name: Cllr Jason French
I hereby give notice of the following disclosable pecuniary interests (please state none where appropriate)
1. Employment
Member |
Operations Director, JF Pub Group Catering, Solutions/Parkwood and Ivy Tree Ltd |
2. Sponsorship
Member |
None |
3. Contracts
Members |
None |
4. Land and Property
Member |
None |
6. Corporate Tenancies
Member |
None |
7. Securities
Member |
Catering Solutions (NE) Ltd The Parkwood, Company No. 08734616 |
The Ivy Tree Ltd T/A The Ivy Tree Pub & Kitchen Company No. 14522822 |
8. Spouse or Civil Partner's etc
Name (in full) |
Jeanette Alison French |
Notification by a Councillor or Co-opted Member of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council of Other Registerable Interests under the Members' Code of Conduct
Please read the attached notes when completing this form.
I hereby give notice of the following Other Registerable Interests (please state "none" where appropriate) under the Council's code of conduct for members:-
9. Details of any unpaid directorships
Member |
None |
10. Details of any body of which you are a member or in a position of general control or management and to which you are appointed or nominated by the Council.
Member |
None |
11. Details of any body - exercising functions of a public nature
Member |
None |
12. Details of any body - directed to charitable purposes
Member |
None |
13. Details of any body - one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union), of which you are a member or in a position of general control or management
Member |
None |
14. Please also provide details of any gift or hospitality you have received, as follows:-
Member |
None |
15. Date Completed
Member |
21/07/23 |